The article by S. Arkoudis was a very insightful article.  Though it focused on ESL teachers and mainstream teachers, it could have been speaking about the collaborative struggles between general and special education teachers.  I paused and reflected when it was highlighted how ESL teachers feel like they are side-lined out of the mainstream classroom and often feel devalued in their role as a teacher.  The assumption that their only area of expertise focuses on such a narrow group of students, that the are not able to positive influence an entire classroom.  The feeling of isolation is compounded for an ESL, and I would infer a Special Education teacher.  

The article spoke at length about the importance of the dialogue between the two teachers as they collaborated and planned together.  It was interesting to read the transcripts and note the change in their language as the conversations continued.  I was encouraged when the author of the article pointed out that as these interchanges continue, each teacher influences their colleague in a positive way, shares their expertise and enlightens the other person to become a more effective teacher.

Arkoudis, S. (2006). Negotiating the rough ground between ESL and mainstream teachers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9 (4), 415 – 433.

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