Team teaching with Michaela was an absolute pleasure. It was made even more interesting because we were experiencing and living what we were teaching. In our model of two teachers teaching together trust and rapport are invaluable. We didn’t have these things when we began, but as we progressed so did our relationship and our effectiveness as team teachers. Since we also did our mini lesson together, we had ample time to get to know each other’s teaching styles, strengths and weaknesses. It quickly becomes obvious that the better you know each other and get along, the more effective you are as team teachers. I imagine this would be even more significant in a real classroom with students because each teacher would build individual rapports with them. I hate to use the analogy of good cop bad cop, but this could also come into play. I am eagerly anticipating our team teaching mini lessons together, and since we got an amazing mark on our mini lesson I am expecting great success. If it were not for Michaela, I would not be looking forward to the lesson, but since we are together it is going to be fun. Furthermore, we will be each other’s support networks. In case I forget something, I know Michaela will be there to fill in the gaps and vice versa. There is strength in numbers, and with Michaela by my side I feel omnipotent.

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