I wish everyone could have the opportunity to collaborate and lesson plan with someone they could trust. It makes teaching much more fun, and much less stressful. If we could all have a teaching partner, or team, it would be like being a cop ... someone would always have your back. You could bring out the best in each other and have the opportunity to do things you wouldn't undertake alone. You would have someone to share the ups and downs with. If every classroom could have two teachers there would also be a huge amount of job creation ... there are a lot of unemployed teachers out there!
8/21/2013 10:50:32 am

I would definitely be the good cop! Seriously though, it would be great to have another teacher in the room to be another pair of eyes, another adult the students could connect with, another person who could help deal with interruptions so learning is continuous and smooth despite what is happening in the classroom


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